About our Prints

Traditional Photo Wood Prints

Made from 100% sustainable Maple wood. Let the natural wood grain shine through your moments with this gallery style print. Like a finger print, each piece of wood has it's own unique grain pattern. No two are the same. This classy, clean look with warm tones are sure to bring an outstanding look to your photos and home. With self-standing frames these prints are easy to move around the house or hang direct from frame. These Traditional photo prints were the first of our Shimlee line of products and still remain our best sellers.

Walnut Frame Photo Wood Prints

The best selection for color vibrancy. This modern farmhouse styled framed wooden planks are sure to bring a beautiful rustic look to your home. Surrounded by 100% sustainable Black Walnut sourced out of the Midwest gives this print a sturdy frame and unique look. Hang this print directly from frame or have it stand on it's own. With a painted background this option is best for color accuracy and details. Combine your photo with the beauty of nature.

Staggered Photo Wood Prints

Our most unique look! Create a piece that is sure to stand out. Made from 100% sustainable Maple wood. Let the natural wood grain shine through your moments. Like a finger print, each piece of wood has it's own unique grain pattern. No two are the same. With no other style similar in the industry, these are sure to be a conversation starter in any room.

Circle Photo Wood Prints

Cut from Cabinet grade birch, these circle prints are sure to bring the next level quality to any room in your home. A sawtooth hanger on the back makes for easy hanging. Customize your space with added florals and beads to take our circle prints to a completely customized look. Each of these prints have unique wood grain, much like a snowflake. No two are the same.

Ornament Photo Wood Prints

Cut from Cabinet grade birch, these ornament prints will capture any moment in the perfect yearly reminder. Fitted with an eyelet and ribbon makes for easy, sturdy hanging that will is built to last. Each of these prints have unique wood grain, much like a snowflake. No two are the same. Available for printing on both sides for viewing from any spot on your tree. Choose from our original circle design and our latest heart cutout design. Stay tuned for new designs releasing in 2022!

Photo Wood Print Bundles

If you really love Shimlee prints, we have the perfect group for you. Build your own gallery wall with our Shimlee bundles. Available in both our Traditional build and Walnut Framed prints, there is something for every home. Combine pictures from your favorite day, create a timeline of events, or capture the face of every family member. We have many options to choose from.
10x14 Photo Wood Print Bundle - wedding sample

Looking for a CUSTOM project?
How to Get Started

  • Let's Begin

    Send as much information as possible. 1. Background style/color 2. Font Style/Color 3.Any added imagery 4. Size and Orientation

  • Communication

    Our customs team will communicate with our designers and you to gather the requirements needed to create the proof.

  • Design Time

    Our design team will create a proof and send to you for review within 1-3 business days.

  • Need Changes?

    Email any changes you would like made and our team will revise and send an updated proof.

  • Approved

    Once your custom design is approved, our customs team will place your order over the phone.

  • Enjoy!

    Send us a picture of your completed custom project to be featured on our social media and website!


(563) 928-6437